Timetable, Programme and Abstracts
A book of abstracts and the conference programme are available below.
IWOTA participants may also be interested in the MTNS programme, and especially in the mini-course on quantum control by Matt James (Wednesday 11 July).
Special sessions
Complex geometry and operator theory
Organised by Tirthankar Bhattacharyya and Nicholas Young
Topics in noncommutative analysis
Organised by Anna Skripka
Continuous and discrete Clifford analysis
Organised by Swanhild Bernstein, Fabrizio Colombo, Uwe Kahler and Paul Leopardi
Toeplitz operators and their applications
Organised by Sergei Grudsky and Nikolai Vasilevski
Operators on spaces of analytic functions
Organised by Carl Cowen
Dynamics and Operator Algebras
Organised by Sooran Kang and Aidan Sims
Systems and control theory
Organised by Hendra Nurdin
Harmonic analysis of differential operators
Organised by Pierre Portal, Adam Sikora and Lesley Ward
Operator theory, function theory, and linear systems
Organised by Joe Ball and Rien Kaashoek
General session
Organised by Ian Doust
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