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The 15th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference CTAC2010
28 Nov - 1 Dec 2010, UNSW, Sydney
Home Invited speakers Proceedings Register Login Accommodation Program Papers Committees Sponsors More Info
    Conference venue

    The conference venue will be on University of New South Wales Kensington campus. The campus map is available here.

    The registration and information desk will be located at the entrance of the Webster B lecture theatre (map coordinate G15, upstairs).

    The invited presentations will take place in Webster B lecture theatre. The contributed presentations will take place concurrently in the Webster B, Webster 250, Webster 251 lecture rooms.

    The public lecture will take place in Physics Main Theatre, map coordinate K14.

    Contributed presentations

    All talks are 15 minutes long, plus 5 minutes for questions and discussion. The session chair will give you a signal when you have 5 minutes remaining. Please do not exceed your time.

    Each lecture theatre is equipped with a desktop computer running Windows, with mouse, keyboard, USB ports, and Internet connection. There is also a fixed data projector (connected to the desktop) and a projection screen. There are also blackboards.

    We strongly encourage you to bring your talk in the form of a PDF document. You may bring it on a USB storage device or email it to the organisers. Please make sure that your talk is copied onto the desktop computer before your talk. The desktop in the lecture theatre can display Powerpoints documents but we cannot guarantee that all fonts are available. Note that postscript files cannot be displayed. If you require access to other software packages or other audio-visual equipments please talk to the organizers well in advance to see whether it can be arranged.

    It is possible to connect your personal laptop to the data projector, but we prefer that you avoid this option due to the tight conference schedule. If you insist, please contact the organizers to test the connection well before your presentation.

    Internet access

    Wireless Internet access is available for all participants through the UNIWIDE network. Upon registration you will receive a personal login and password with which you can connect to UNIWIDE.
    Those who do not have laptop available (or do not want to use it) can also get internet access in the student PC laboratory M020 at the Mezzanine level (which is the ground level) of the Red Centre. The lab is open from 8am until 9pm. A login and password will be provided at the registration desk.


    If you are coming to the conference from overseas you will almost certainly need a visa unless you are an Australian or New Zealand resident. However, if you come from a list of approved countries you can apply for an Electronic Travel Authority through a travel agent or online, without having to give up your passport. The Immigration Department website gives all necessary information. Its advice is to apply for a visa at least 4 to 6 weeks before departure.

    To travel from the airport to the university, you can take the 400 bus. The trip takes around one hour and costs about 5 AUD. If you take a taxi the fare will be about 30-35 AUD.
    To travel around Sydney metropolitan area, you need a bus/train ticket. For more information, please look at Transport Infoline website